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Montessori Education is offered in a safe and nurturing environment housed in a beautiful, appealing classroom. The program provides an individualized, student-directed, challenging program that is built on the core values of independence, love of learning, and respect. The school culture supports each child’s creativity, natural curiosity, and self-confidence. 


Highly trained, caring teachers provide structure and order which allows students to learn with guidance through hands-on, independently paced lessons with specifically designed instructional materials. The program provides opportunities for social interaction and confidence building. Our curriculum focuses on the whole child – every phase of development is nurtured. 


Inside our mixed-age classrooms, you'll feel an air of excitement and curiosity and will find thoughtfully designed learning environments that cultivate a love for learning with children working independently and often in groups with peers. You'll notice various activity stations for children to engage with throughout the day. You'll see our teachers guiding students along their educational journey, encouraging them to ask questions, and providing them the creative freedom they need to develop and learn at their own individual pace. Because learning is student-directed, children make choices regarding their academic work based on preferred learning styles, student interest, talent, and areas of giftedness.


Depending on the age level, a student’s day includes hands on learning activities in language arts, mathematics, practical arts, geography, STEM, fine arts and physical education. 

Mission & Values


Mary Raber Montessori provides families a child-centered educational choice that engages young learners with a love of learning, natural curiosity and creativity.


Our learners are independent, confident learners connected to new ideas, skills, and knowledge through self-motivation, self-regulation, and respect.


Mary Raber Montessori transforms lives and learning.


Key Principles

Know Every Child

By knowing every child as a unique individual, teachers are dedicated to guide and support children through learning.


The teacher understands the unique growth and development of each child and classroom lessons can provide flexibility for variability in the learning process.


Parents as Partners

Children learn best when parents are our partners. We work together as a team for the success of our students. Parents as well as students are supported, heard and respected.

Quality Time

Foundational Decade

The period from early childhood years through the upper elementary years is called the “foundational decade”. During this time, children develop ways of learning to serve them for a lifetime.

Children learn at varying rates and their curiosity leads them to explore and learn. Montessori enables, guides and provides pathways to engage the whole child while respecting both the student’s way of learning and the pace at which they acquire knowledge, attitudes and skills.

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Mary Raber is conveniently located in the central section of Columbia City. This outstanding facility is being renovated for the Montessori program. The school boasts eighteen large classrooms with sinks and allows ample space for the specialized and unique materials and school equipment for Montessori lessons. In addition to retrofitting classrooms for the unique Montessori program, Mary Raber will also have a newly designed playground and garden areas.



Mary Raber is conveniently located in the central section of Columbia City at 700 E. Jackson Street. The facility will be newly renovated for Montessori program and features eighteen large classrooms with sinks. Along with specialized spaces for STEM (Science, Engineering, Technology and Math), fine arts and music, Mary Raber School is easily the best choice to promote the Montessori model.



Families of children ages 3-4 years are responsible for transportation. Students enrolled in grades K-5 may utilize WCCS transportation unless they are in a walk area of Mary Raber Montessori School. Before and after-school care will be an option provided at Mary Raber.


WCCS families with children who will be 3-5 years old by September 1, 2022 are eligible and may sign up for early registration beginning August, 2021. Space is limited. Applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis.

The program will be phased in, adding an additional level as the children move through the program. Students enrolled in the 3-4 year old classroom will have priority for the next year’s class.




There is no cost for students in grades K-5. Families who choose the Mary Raber Montessori Program for their 3-4 year old children commit to a $160/week tuition. Tuition includes AM Montessori preschool program with additional preschool activities after lunch through the end of the school day.

After-school care for students 3-4 years is available from the end of the school day to 5:30pm. This cost is included for those 3-4 year old students with tuition fees.

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